We help development organisations to develop and implement effective strategies, through various services including formative evaluation methods to help analyse target audiences to determine their needs, desires, behaviours and media usage, in order to create compelling messages and engaging products.

Any successful communication effort is dependent on the quality of research that ensures effective groundwork for communication is laid out. Research will also provide the basis for identification of audiences and development of interventions and messages.
In order to conduct any behavioural change communication intervention, we have to appreciate the existing parameters. We use proven social behavioural research methodologies, incorporating quantitative and innovative qualitative method of participatory action research to identify issues and behaviour trends.
We help development conscious organisations to conduct communication research before designing content, communication campaigns or strategies to ensure there is all the relevant data, and to identify gaps, in order to develop effective strategies, campaigns and projects.
We therefore help organisations use all relevant channels of communication to ensure consistent impact among the stakeholders, including developing visual and photo identities, print materials, presentations, interactive apps, websites, videos, animations among others.